Hello everyone! I'm writing a python+fastAPI api l...
# general
Hello everyone! I'm writing a python+fastAPI api leveraging pulumi's automation API deploying/destroying digitalocean droplets and have hit a bit of a wall trying to wrap my head around the destroy part of things. to make a long story short - how do i destroy resources from a specific stack? using the cli, i could do > pulumi destroy --target urn_here how can i do the same with the automation api? im using python but any language would be useful
that's a tough one; my gut instinct is to run your stack-definition program and simply not return / register the resource that you don't want to exist; but that sounds like it doesn't quite mesh with your workflow
first, thanks for the reply! but yea, that doesnt work too well for my workflow. for some added context in case it help: these droplets are managed instances by my company. if a client would like to unsubscribe to our services, i want our server to send a request to this api im writing and then destroy the droplet and delete it from our state. it would be awesome to pass the urn/name/id into a stack function that removes it. for example stack.delete(<argument_here>).
as far as i can tell, the only destroy function the api exposes is stack.destroy? is that correct?
Why don't you deploy a stack per customer? You can create your base infrastructure and then use a second program to create a smaller stack per client that references the base infrastructure. This way, you can create, update, and destroy the client-specific resources independently.