Does anyone know how to associate a static-ip to a...
# getting-started
Does anyone know how to associate a static-ip to aws fargate tasks?
do you mean a static ip for inbound or outbound requests?
for outbound requests
it's done at the VPC level, you'll need to create a NAT gateway and an EIP
I'm fairly new to Pulumi - so I figured I could use aws crosswalk, but maybe I need to use lower level primitives?
Something along the lines of:
Copy code
export const vpc = new awsx.ec2.Vpc("custom", {
    numberOfAvailabilityZones: 1,
    numberOfNatGateways: 1,
And then creating a cluster with that vpc, and associating the cluster to the task.
I actually just realized that I'm trying to test this via inbound traffic instead of outbound. 🤦‍♂️ I'll improve my test and see if I've actually achieved what I wanted.
I would be surprised if you couldn't do it with the default vpc
👍 1