With the upstream TF bug <https://github.com/pulum...
# general
With the upstream TF bug https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-gcp/issues/88 we are unable to migrate the cluster and do any changes to
in GKE. We are stuck, any changes we are making is causing the whole cluster to be deleted. What is the workaround?
I've dropped a couple follow-up questions in our DM thread. I believe you have a workaround for the issue related to pulumi-gcp#88. I added an explicit note on that in https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-gcp/issues/88#issuecomment-482334587. It sounds like you may now be hitting unrelated issues in GKE/GCE related to networking configuration. Happy to help look at these in DM.
Thanks Luke, working on it to share the details with you.