Looking for help on a simple one here. I want to p...
# general
Looking for help on a simple one here. I want to print out (first step, later I’ll pass the list) of aws accounts in our organization.
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const org = aws.organizations.getOrganization()
is a property of that, but I have no idea how to get to it or print out it’s promise
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const orgAccounts = aws.organizations.getOrganization();

orgAccounts.accounts.forEach(account => {
^ I thought would work, but get the error
TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
Are you familiar with JavaScript promises?
trying to be, definitely my biggest challenge from a python background
I did just create this
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(async () => {
  const orgs = await aws.organizations.getOrganization();
  orgs.accounts.forEach(account => 
but there has to be a more elegant way to do this
If that is at top-level (not in a function, module), then unfortunately that's the best way to do it. Nice work!