Hey everyone, I am trying to get CircleCI setup wi...
# general
Hey everyone, I am trying to get CircleCI setup with pulumi. I am trying to execute the command
pulumi preview --stack main
, but I am getting this error:
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error: failed to load checkpoint: blob (key ".pulumi/stacks/main.json") (code=Unknown): MissingRegion: could not find region configuration
I am running CircleCI locally like this:
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circleci local execute \
--job build \
-e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<redacted>\
-e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<redacted> \
-e AWS_REGION=us-east-1
I'm also using aws as my backend.. any idea why I would be getting this error about a missing region configuration when I am clearly passing in the region as an environment variable?
hmm.. well just grasping at straws now, but I tried creating the
files and that works.. Not sure why it doesn't read from the env vars if the credential files aren't there
Sounds like you are using the s3 backend? This error indicates that the region couldn’t be found - I believe you could include this as
in the s3 login url if your environment isn’t setup such that this can be found automatically.
I should've updated this thread with what was happening. It ended up being a local circleci CLI issue. It was not picking up my environment variables. I'm not sure if I was passing them in wrong or what, but I tried running it in a real CircleCI integration environment and it was able to find my aws credentials. Thanks for respond to my question, though!
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