It would be good if the GitHub repo URL that you c...
# docs
It would be good if the GitHub repo URL that you can configure next to the description would link to the docs for the repository. For example pulumi-mysql could go to the mysql provider docs.
Next to which description?
Trying to upload an image to demonstrate, but Slack is broken this morning (ongoing issue).
Next to
A MySQL Pulumi resource package
the repo description
Next to
A MySQL Pulumi resource package
That’s a great suggestion, but I’m not sure what link to set it to? seems like a reasonable choice, but that wouldn’t be great if you wanted to use, say, Python. Perhaps we should create a landing page specific for each resource provider and link to that?
@colossal-beach-47527 I agree, but you already do that in the
I would suggest redoing the docs though. It shouldn’t be based on SDK IMO.
For example I would add python, go, etc. here. If it isn’t supported, then you say unsupported.
This is one issue I do have with the docs is that it’s too SDK oriented, and not pulumi oriented.
👍🏽 2