Has anybody an example on setting up a mysql serve...
# getting-started
Has anybody an example on setting up a mysql server on azure along with a few databases? I am trying to do that, but I keep getting an error like the following, and I have no idea where to look…
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error: Could not connect to server: Error 9999: An internal error has occurred. Please retry or report your issues.
I just found a few resources explaining some SSL stuff… But even if I disable SSL I get the same error…
Ah, and by the way, I am using the
packages… The problem only appears with the defined objects from
And I know that I can create databases using
, but I also want to add users and grant them some permissions, which seems to be only possible with `@pulumi/mysql``
is your database accessible from where you're running pulumi from?
@billowy-army-68599 I am running pulumi on my local machine, and there I can access it via the
command on the command line
Is it save to paste the output from
pulumi up -d
in here? Secrets should not be shown there, right? Maybe that would help finding the error?
you would need
pulumi up -v=9 --logtostderr
It just seems to time out, from what I see there is no helpful log message…
Just to give you a gist: I create a database like that:
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const databaseServer = new dbformysql.Server(
		properties: {
			administratorLogin: config.requireSecret("database_user"),
			administratorLoginPassword: databaseRootPassword,
			createMode: "Default",
			sslEnforcement: "Disabled", // TODO should not be necessary
			storageProfile: {
				storageAutogrow: "enabled",
				storageMB: 5120,
			version: "8.0",
		resourceGroupName: resourceGroup.name,
		sku: {
			name: "B_Gen5_1",
Then I added a few firewall rules, so that it is accessible from my local machine, on which I also run
pulumi up
Afterwards I create mysql provider:
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const mysqlProvider = new mysql.Provider('mysql', {
	endpoint: databaseServer.fullyQualifiedDomainName as pulumi.Output<string>,
	username: databaseServer.administratorLogin as pulumi.Output<string>,
	password: databaseRootPassword,
Then I try to create a database as follows (this is the first thing not working):
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const database = new mysql.Database(
			name: databaseName,
			provider: mysqlProvider,
@billowy-army-68599 Am I making some kind of stupid beginner’s error?
you can reach the database with netcat/telnet the mysql command line from the box you're running Pulumi from?
I am running the command on my local machine, where I can access the database using the
command. Is that enough? Or do I have to use netcat/telnet? And I am going to doublecheck, tried quite some stuff until now 😄
Yeah, using the
mysql -h <host> -u <user> -p
command works
(Have neither netcat nor telnet installed, would that make a difference?)
It does not matter that I am using the pulumi service, right? The way I understood it, the communication with azure is happening via my machine anyway.
@billowy-army-68599 If that does not help at all, I am happy to create a (minimal) repro github repository for you to try
can you share the code you used to define the database too?
There’s no other object created by me that I would call a database 🙂
ah i see now
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const mysqlProvider = new mysql.Provider('mysql', {
	endpoint: databaseServer.fullyQualifiedDomainName as pulumi.Output<string>,
	username: databaseServer.administratorLogin as pulumi.Output<string>,
	password: databaseRootPassword,
Can you try defining the provider with hardcoded values instead of the outputs, to eliminate that from the equation
It’s running, but the username changed… Is it possible that the
returned is missing the part after the
that is shown in portal.azure.com? 🤔
Yeah, that seems to be the issue… Thought the
would contain the correct username and that I would get a more specific error if the credentials are wrong…
you shouldn't need to cast as
btw, but glad that helped figure it out. you can use
to add the
Had to cast it, because the return type of administratorLogin seems to be `Output<string|undefined>`…
Will try to get it running and get back to you 🙂
oh, just ensure it's defined with
With interpolate it’s not necessary anymore anyway 🙂 But I was also confused by the fact that it can be undefined… Is that a peculiarity of azure?
But anyway, thank you very much for your help!
yup, that's coming from the azure api definition