Hi, I'm looking into importing resources into Pulu...
# general
Hi, I'm looking into importing resources into Pulumi, is there a way to make Pulumi show resources currently in the cloud? It is pretty tedious to browse around and find all the right IDs 😅 (Using AWS, but I figure that shouldn't matter?) EDIT: Found a AWS specific answer at least, Tag Editor EDIT2: Crazy thought, would be awesome to be able to do
pulumi import --tag XXX
and just have it import all resources with the given tag 🤯
unfortunately this is the best way to do this right now, you do need to go track down each resource 😞
Doesn't seem like it would be too difficult to implement 🤓 Would be easy enough to create a script that outputs the JSON that import supports, just need a mapping of AWS types to Pulumi types. 🤔
you can already do a bulk import with
pulumi import --file
That is what I meant, when I referred to outputting the JSON pulumi supports, should have specified JSON file 😄 Seems like a killer feature to me, being able to move from console to IaC easily 😉 (assuming you have tags on your resources)
the problem there is traversing AWS's constantly moving API surface is extremely difficult. It may get easier with the cloud control API
Definitely, it might end up being too brittle, but it sounds cool 😅 Would be a fun weekend project to make a PoC 😁 Will be interesting to see how the cloud control API progresses.