Hi Team, I am new to pulumi and trying to create E...
# getting-started
Hi Team, I am new to pulumi and trying to create ECS task definition on AWS. Along with this, I am also creating more resources like cluster, role, security group. In this task definition, I am passing few environment variables. In this env variables, I am passing Id/ARN of other resources. But pulumi is throwing error for fetching data of resources(cluster, secutiry group and role) and assigning this error as a value to these env variables. Below is screenshot of what is deploying on AWS.
Can someone please help me on this issue? I have tried to use apply() method as per pulumi documentation and suggested in error. But still getting same error.
I saw you posted this in #general also - please keep posts to a single channel
Thanks. Actually this issue is very critical for us that we must need to resolve in few hours. That's I have posted on multiple channels so that I can get resolution quickly.
appreciate the insight. Posting to multiple channels will not increase the time it takes to get support, we don’t provide an SLA for community support. If you need a support SLA I’d recommend using the contact us form to discuss enterprise pricing https://www.pulumi.com/contact/