Hi all, I'm getting started with provisioning reso...
# getting-started
Hi all, I'm getting started with provisioning resources with Pulumi and I'd like to use a templated cloud init for setting up tailscale on a GCP VM on startup. https://rossedman.io/blog/computers/scale-homelab-with-tailscale/ seems to have most of the information on how to do it with Terraform on DO, should I just be using the sprintf approach for the same in Pulumi?
@magnificent-rainbow-92633 I actually have a component that does this: https://github.com/jaxxstorm/pulumi-tailscale-bastion I thought I'd add google cloud support but it seems not. But there's a lot of prior art here that might help
perfect, this is great to see
so I'd need to pull in this specific branch in go.mod?
Not quite. It’s not really ready to roll so you might bet better off using it as a reference
I see, I'm still pretty new to this ecosystem, I only barely used it in last job but am loving it for the project I'm doing right now.
It appears that this setup for the user data is not sufficient for it to get run.
what error are you seeing?
It doesn't execute it as a startup script. It appears to work if set as startup-script metadata and not base64 encoded.
I'm still not able to get the reverse route working, not sure why